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Senior High School


  1. Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM)
  2. Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS)
  3. General Academic Strand (GAS)
  4. Technology Vocational Livelihood – Home Economics (TVL – HE)
  5. Technology Vocational Livelihood – Information and Communications Technology (TVL – ICT)

Option 1: TV-Based Distance Learning

  • Free Tuition Fee
  • Free TV
  • Free 2 pcs. Flashdrives
  • Free School I.D.
  • Cash Assistance of P2,000.00 (P500.00 per sem)

Option 2: Online E-Learning

  • Free Tuition Fee
  • Cash Assistance of P4,000.00 (P1,000.00 per sem)
  • 24/7 Full Access to Video Lessons Technology Vocational Livelihood
  • Free School I.D.

Option 3: Online E-Learning (For ESC Grantees)

  • Free Tuition Fee
  • Cash Assistance of P2,000.00 (P500.00 Per Sem)
  • 24/7 Full Access to Video Lessons through ABCCA Mobile APP
  • Free School I.D.

Other Privileges

  • No Entrance Exam
  • No Admission Fee
  • No Maintaining Grades
  • No Hidden Charges and Top-ups


All qualified applicants should submit the following:

  • Original PSA Birth Certificate
  • Original Report Card (SF-9) or Certificate of Rating for ALS Completers
  • One (1) pc 2 x 2 Recent Photo
  • One (1) pc 1 x 1 Recent Photo
  • Certificate of Good Moral Character
  • Long Brown Envelope