Socrates, the great Greek Philosopher, was known to author a succinct yet baffling statement, “The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.” Propelled by this idea, he scribbled his way through life, teaching generations of learners from students to teachers alike, the universal need to learn, relearn, and unlearn knowledge in the pursuit of greater wisdom, for the greater good of all.
Armed with the same philosophy, we, at the Asian Business Cabletow Cooperative Academy, through coupling our core values with our faculty’s unwavering dedication to the service of our youth, bravely face the challenges brought about by the COViD-19 pandemic head on.
Socrates’ treatise has long set our passions afire with a deeper sense of collective responsibility in molding our children’s future, staying true to ABCCA’s mission of committing itself to “provide holistic and continuous practical education in aid of poverty alleviation”. As we weather the storm brought about by one of the most challenging pandemics the world has ever known, we could only hope that the Great Architect of the Universe would continue to bless us to grow in knowledge and in gratitude for all the personal and spiritual blessings we receive from Him.
Personally, I deeply pray that from all these shall flow a renewed commitment to uphold the fundamental tenets of humility, love, and most importantly, what the famous Greek philosopher concluded: kindness and happiness.

Dr. Soc Anthony Ma. Del Rosario
Chairman and CEO